Monday, November 9, 2009

Rant on Playing Shows

I'm having trouble figuring out where to play with Brewheist without having to put up with so much goddamn bullshit. Never before, in any band, have I had to deal with so much nonsense as recently with my most commercial sounding band. When I was screaming about religion and nihilism I managed to get decent crowds, played decent venues, but were never disrespected by musicians or promoter. We played shows in front on nobody, in Mediocre and now, but were never shown indifference until recently. I like to illicit a reaction out of an audience, I like to take chances, put myself out there, go insane, and occasionally break shit. Its not about putting on a good show, its about letting it all out and giving the song the appropriate physical expression as well as musical. Whether it be a punk, jam, blues, or cover band I like to play it all as intensely as possible.

I'm suffering from confusion on what the fuck people like to listen to. I do not wish to understand this to shape my music accordingly, but just to understand what shit other bands are playing to get people so gung ho. I've been to local shows where there were a large amount of dedicated fans to basically mediocre music. It was artsy, gloomy, self indulgent, screamo that sounded like 100 other bands in the area. This copycatting was called a scene, and was quite large. The bands played shows constantly, often in front of large crowds, in alternative venues. They had merchandise, albums, and had people screaming their songs along with them. Although I detested the music, I obsess over the dedication and size of the scene. It was well organized, consistent, and intense. The music was played intensely and was far from radio friendly. It was punk rock like I'd read about, but never experienced. Today, this scene is gone-to my knowledge. I'm sure it has transformed and moved somewhere, but I'm pretty sure the direction it took is still far off from what music I like.

I do not want to be sceney. I do not want to form a scene at all, because scenes are usually crippling to creativity and extremely exclusive. I would love to find bands to put on shows with, have a number of people who really want to listen to music come and see us. However, I do not want numbers for the sake of numbers. I've seen what this turns into. I want to play with bands who are on our same wavelength.

I'm already sick of playing bars. They see us as dollar signs or just bothersome. Even when I call these places, they act like we are wasting their time. We are more accepted and more appreciated in front of Rock Climbing walls than venues designated for heavy music. I do not think it is too much to ask for to play shows where people are interesting in hearing music exclusively. We are not background music, I and refuse to be such. When you play bars your music is secondary to drinking. Drinking is the main focus of the business, you are there to facilitate drinking. This is all fine and dandy, beer is great when listening to music. However, it leads to more bullshit than good. Even from the band's end- drinking before going on does not lead to good performances or good decision made. It also makes spontaneous acts of passion look like drunken behavior and takes credibility away. Back when I used to swing mics, stomp basses, and kick drum sets over, it was interpreted as music influenced behavior. The song was pumping me up, anger was motivating me. Now, when I walk off stage or get into a song, it is because I'm drunk, so far as the audience can tell. This is inaccurate, and changes the whole image of the band and music being played.

Well, this rant is not without resolution. I would like to start playing more alternative venues. Fugazi showed me that it was possible, scenesters showed me it was possible, experience showed me it was possible. I want to play more rock climbing walls, more basements, backyards, abandoned stores, house parties, coffee shops, alley way venues, warehouses, hippie communes, etc. This is not a novel idea, but it is a better idea than what we're doing. I encourage all my musician friends to start forming bands, play good, intense, honest music. Put on shows, start something new, something exciting. We can't do this on our own! I'm at wits end, I'm ready to play real punk music. That is, an alternative form of music that is expressed in the mainstream, devoid of mainstream values and ethics. I don't care about making these venues money, about being a big rock star. I want to play good shows, to make great music, and have fun. I just want to be heard.

Stay True, Jam Econo

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