Thursday, June 25, 2009

An Ode To Philosophy

So, I need an opinion
am I wrong here, or is it
a bit offensive to have dumb people
use "smart people" words to try and sound intelligent?
Or to put out
this HIP, intellectual,
Walt Whitman Inspired, Beatle loving
Coffee house manufactured vibe
so people will listen to them?
Do long drawn out explanations
and perfectly-articulated-sentences
get anything done other than further proving
evolution's truth by flinging the same (metaphorical)
poop as our monkey ancestors? Fuck you.
You Philosopher wannabes.
We're all trying to figure out what the hell is GOING ON, we're on the same
trip, maaaan. So next time you wanna talk to me
about Descartes or Niezstche, refrain from spewing too
much excess Bullshit, or caking your boring, uncreative argument
with even more unnecessary words and ideas.
There is a Difference between confusing someone
and Making. A. Point.
Enlightenment ain't no anglish kwiz.
Come back to the real world. Talk on our level.
Because no one, NO ONE wants to hear your drabble.
Philosophy already has a bad reputation.

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